Workshop details
Workshop description
The workshop on "The Economics of Irreversible Choices" aims at bringing together a group of researchers at the forefront of research on economic decisions under uncertainty and irreversibility for discussing new developments and applications.
Accordingly, we solicit both theoretical and applied contributions addressing, with an emphasis on microeconomic analysis, issues related to:
- public and private investment ventures, market dynamics and industry structure;
- investment games, strategic interaction and agency conflicts;
- natural resource management, environmental policy and the impact of extreme events on environment and investment.
- corporate strategy, cost-benefit analysis and company evaluations;
The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2012. The deadline has been postponed to June 25, 2012. Authors of papers accepted for presentation will be notified by the end of July. A selection of the conference papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the "Journal of Economics" in 2012, following a refereeing process.
Contact: For submissions, please send your paper to:
Fee: The registration fee is 150 euro. The fee is payable at the registration desk on the first day of the workshop.