School's venue

The School will take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pavia, Via S. Felice 5.

Both the mornign sessions and the students presentations will be held in the Sala del Consiglio.




tl_files/uploads/images/universita_.jpgThe Faculty of Economics is located in the ancient monastery of San Felice, which was founded in the 8th century AD by the last Longobard King, Desiderio, and his wife Ansa. Gradual restoration of the monastery buildings is under way, and Faculty students already have access to the hightly distinctive reading room, which used to be the monastery’s church. Two finely decorated Medieval tombs were found inside the church in 1996; one of the tombs contained the earthly remains of the Abbess Ariperga. The room also houses graduation ceremonies. The Faculty Library, its ceilings decorated with Medieval bas-reliefs and frescos, is also situated in the monastery premises.

The Faculty of Economics is heir to the original Italian schools of commerce, which were founded in the second half of the 18th century, and subsequently transformed into the various Faculties of Economics and Commerce. This title was given to the Faculty that was founded in Pavia in 1964, and it remained thus until very recently.

By today’s standards, the Faculty’s initial educational goals were limited, and graduates were prepared for 2 broad tl_files/uploads/images/economia_pavia.jpgcareer paths: one in the traditional professions, i.e. managerial positions in banks and other for-profit companies, with an emphasis on commerce and related procedures; the other in the public sector, which required particular competence in law and accounting. Subsequently, the constant burgeoning of world-wide markets, the rapid development of financial markets and the expansion of new information and communication technologies multiplied the professional profiles required by Faculty graduates. In addition to changing its name, the Faculty has faced the need to adapt itself to the new requirements, and hence to diversify the training it offers.
Accordingly, and in alignment with the transformations affecting all companies, new three-year undergraduate degree courses, such as Marketing & E-Business, were added to the more general and traditional ones, namely Economics and Enterprise Economics. At the same time, the general and interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty has not been obscured. Over the 3-year undergraduate period, the Faculty still offers a general education in the basic notions of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, History and Law.