The new call for applications for the a.y. 2016-2017 is now available.
Call for applications English Version
Call for applications Italian Version
Applications must be submitted by July 6, 2016 at 13:00 (1pm), following the procedure below:
- Non University of Milan students need to register to the Unimi portal - Accesso rapido - Servizi - REGISTRAZIONE (
- Log in with your credentials to Servizi online SIFA, - Servizi SIFA online - LOGIN (
- Submit your application following these steps: Servizi di ammissione - Ammissione ai corsi post laurea - Dottorati di ricerca (
- All applicants must pay a non refundable €50 fee
- Documents to be uploaded (.pdf, .rtf, .jpeg format, no heavier than 10Mb):
- Diploma Supplement issued by the University in accordance with the standards set by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES; alternatively, a degree certificate in Italian or English from the candidate’s home university, with transcript of records showing exams taken, respective grades and credits and showing the statistical distribution of the exam marks for their respective study course. This document is not required of graduates/final year students of the University of Milan as it will be obtained as a matter of course
- Curriculm vitae, with a description of any professional experience or other qualifications
- A research project (please use the format attached to the call, Modello 1)
- English proficiency certificates (at least level B2). Please check accepted certificates listed in the call*.
- Copy of passport (foreign applicants only)
- List of Publications, if available
- The Form 3 (Modello 3) attached to the call (for applicants residing abroad who want to conduct their inteviews by teleconferencing)
- Annex A (Allegato A). Online interviews only
- In addition a reference letter in .pdf format (please use the Academic Reference Form - Modello 2, attached to the call) must be sent by email to by candidates' referees within the call deadline.
Note that failure to comply with one of the documents listed above will entail exclusion from the competion.
* Waiver: candidates who got a Master's degree entirely taught in English or will get a Master's degree entirely taught in English by October 31, 2016
Candidates who do not hold a English centificate will have to sit for a test to verify their proficiency (B2). Schedule available from July 4, 2016 at
Selection process diary:
- Evaluation of qualifications: September 1, 2016. Results will be available on September 2, 2016 on LASER website
- Interviews: September 6 at 9:30am, Seminar room of the Dept. of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, Via Conservatorio 7, Milano, 2nd floor. Interviews will be in English only.